About the author
I am Tomasz Idziaszek, a programmer oriented on practical
aspects of algorithmics.
I have graduated from the University of Warsaw with PhD in computer science.
I am a fan of competitive programming, for fun and profit, as a participant,
organizer and popularizer.
I write and edit books and articles about algorithms and computer science in general.
Below you can find a more detailed description of what I have been up too. You can click on the arrows located after some paragraphs to reveal even more details.
Competitive programming
I have been involved with competitive programming community since 2002, first as a participant in programming contests, and next as an organizer of such events. I was a finalist of individual contests (Polish Olympiad in Informatics, TopCoder, Google Code Jam, Algorithmic Engagements) and team contests (Polish and Central Europe Collegiate Programming Contests, Deadline24). In 2005 I represented the University of Warsaw on the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest in Shanghai. ▸
- ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (Shanghai 2005 — 17th place),
- Central Europe Regional Contest (Budapest 2004 — 1st place, Budapest 2006 — 3rd place),
- Polish Collegiate Programming Contest (Cracow 2004 — 6th place, Cracow 2005 — 5th place, Cracow 2006 — 4th place),
- Google Code Jam (Mountain View 2004 — 12th place, New York 2006 — 18th place),
- TopCoder Open (Santa Clara 2004 — 8th place), TopCoder Collegiate Challenge (Santa Clara 2005 — finalist),
- Algorithmic Engagements (Zielona Gora 2005 — 7th place, Zielona Gora 2007 — finalist),
- Wielka Przesmycka (Wroclaw 2018 — 7th place, Wroclaw 2020 — 8th place),
- Polish Olympiad in Informatics (Sopot 2002 — finalist),
- Deadline24 (Gliwice 2011 — 2nd place, Zabrze 2013 — 1st place),
- Wielkopolska Programming Contest (Poznan 2013 — 3rd place),
- Internet Polish Programming Contest (2008 — 5th place).
Currently I organize various contests, mainly as a judge and problem setter. I was the head of judges at Polish Collegiate Programming Contests (AMPPZ). I was the author of problems on most editions of Algorithmic Engagements contest. I was responsible for two editions of 24-hour contest Asseco Programming Marathon24. Besides that, I helped preparing problems for International Olympiad in Informatics, Wielkopolska Programming Contest, Yandex.Algorithm contest, several editions of Baltic Olympiad in Informatics and Topcoder Open 2018. From the technical side I participated in preparing ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest and International Olympiad in Informatics when they were held in Poland. ▸
- Polish Collegiate Programming Contest (Warsaw 2011–2014) — jury member, head of judges, problem setter,
- Algorithmic Engagements (Zielona Gora/Warsaw 2006, 2008–2022) — jury member, problem setter,
- Asseco Programming Marathon24 (Gdynia 2013–2014) — head of judges, problem setter,
- International Olympiad in Informatics (Tsukuba 2018, Baku 2019) — problem setter,
- Wielkopolska Programming Contest (Poznan 2019) — problem setter,
- Yandex.Algorithm (Petersburg 2013) — problem setter,
- Baltic Olympiad in Informatics (Palanga 2014, Warsaw 2015, Helsinki 2016, Bergen 2017, Ventspils 2020) — problem setter,
- Topcoder Open (Dallas 2018) — problem setter,
- ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (Warsaw 2012) — technical staff,
- International Olympiad in Informatics (Nowy Sacz 2005) — technical staff.
During 2013–2023 I was the scientific secretary of Polish Olympiad in Informatics for high school students, which means that I was responsible for problems proposals for the contest. Moreover, I take part in creating competition problems and editing publications and videos with editorials. From 2007 I am a member of jury on annual Polish Olympiad in Informatics Training Camp (ONTAK), which prepares students to participate in the Olympiad. I also took part in preparing tasks for some other camps and events. ▸
- Polish Olympiad in Informatics (2013–2023) — scientific secretary,
- Polish Olympiad in Informatics (from 2013) — member of Main Committee of Polish Olympiad in Informatics,
- Polish Olympiad in Informatics (from 2003) — jury member, problem setter,
- Polish Olympiad in Informatics Training Camp (2007, 2009–2013, 2017–2021) — problem setter, lecturer,
- Czech-Polish-Slovak Preparation Camp (Praha 2007, Warsaw 2019) — problem setter,
- qualifications for AMPPZ at the University of Warsaw (2005, 2007) — problem setter.
I also give lectures preparing high school and university students for programming competitions. I was an instructor at national and international programming camps in Poland, Brazil, Bolivia, United States, and Cuba, such as Brazilian ICPC Summer School at the University of Campinas, ICPC Caribbean Training Camp in Havana, and University of Central Florida Programming Team Camp. I have also taught competitive programming at the University of Warsaw and at the Faculty of Cybernetics at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw. ▸
- Brazilian ICPC Summer School at the University of Campinas (Campinas 2015, 2018),
- ICPC Caribbean Training Camp at the University of Informatics Sciences (Havana 2019),
- ICPC Bolivian Training Camp at Higher University of San Andrés (La Paz 2019),
- University of Central Florida Programming Team Camp (Orlando 2019–2022),
- Farias Brito School Programming Camp (Fortaleza 2016),
- Colégio Etapa Training Camp (São Paulo 2021),
- Federal University of Amazonas Competitive Programming Workshop (Manaus 2021),
- Algorithmic Engineering course at the University of Warsaw (Warsaw 2007),
- Practical Algorithms course at the Military University of Technology (Warsaw 2017–2021).
I am also an author and editor of books for participants who prepare for programming competitions. In 2012 I took part in publishing Looking for a Challenge? book which contained a selection of problems from programming competitions organized by students and teachers from the University of Warsaw. It contained, among others, one of my favourite algorithmic problem. In 2015 the second volume was published (so far in Polish only) containing all problems from Polish Collegiate Programming Contest in years 2011–2014. And in 2018 to celebrate 25 years of Polish Olympiad in Informatics the book Przygody Bajtazara (Byteasar's Adventures) was published; it contains a selection of 50 problems from all editions of the Olympiad. The book has won the first prize in the Polish Information Processing Society's contest for Polish Computer Science Book of the Year 2019 in the category of popular science publications and textbooks.
Software engineering
Currently I cooperate with Codility, a company which offers a platform on which one can screen competence of candidates for software engineers jobs. I work on preparing problems, recording solution videos, and maintaining software. On the Codility web page there is also a training section for programmers.
For two years I have worked at Huawei Dresden Research Center, where I was dealing with concurrent data structures and other programming tools for weak memory models. Before that I have worked with companies such as CodiLime (where I organized Asseco Programming Marathon24 contest and did some other projects) and Advanced Digital Broadcast (where I wrote software for set-top boxes). I had a 3-month internship in Silicon Valley at NVIDIA, a company specializing in graphic cards.
Popularization of science
During 2010–2015 I was an editor of computer science section of a popular science magazine Delta, published by the University of Warsaw. Currently the magazine is issued monthly in parallel in paper and electronic version. I have written more than 70 articles, mostly about solutions to problems from programming competitions, but also more general articles about computer architecture and history.
I also give occasional talks on scientific stuff. You could have met me on Sketch Mathematics School (SMP) or Avangarda convention. ▸
- Sketch Mathematics School (Grzegorzewice 2008, Jachranka 2010, 2016) — invited speaker,
- Convention Avangarda X (Warsaw 2015) — invited speaker.
I have graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw, with a PhD in computer science. My thesis Algebraic methods in the theory of infinite trees prepared under the supervision of Prof. Mikołaj Bojańczyk concerned connections between algebra, logic, and automata recognizing languages of infinite trees. ▸
- PhD in computer science (Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw 2014),
- MSc in computer science (Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw 2007),
- Matura (41st High School in Warsaw 2002).
During my studies I was a teaching assistant on lectures such as algorithms and data structures, compilers, operating systems, algebraic theory of languages, practical algorithms, and interfaces. For three months I was a visiting student at the University of Hasselt (Belgium).
In my free time I like to play catchy tunes on the piano and listen to Polish and British radio dramas. To stay fit, I run on a regular basis (I finished a marathon in 2017 and 2023 and 1/4-Ironman-style triathlon in mountainous terrain in 2018) and play badminton.
You can drop me an e-mail at tomasz@algonotes.com.